Frequently Asked Questions

Pink Genie is a platform that helps game developers connect with service providers such as sound designers, artists, programmers, and marketing experts. Our platform provides a comprehensive directory of resources to help game developers bring their ideas to life.

You can easily search for a service by using our search interface. You can filter your search by service type, or other criteria to find the best match for your needs.

Once you find a service or resource you're interested in, you just need to wait for our team to reach out back to you.

Yes! Our platform is completely free to use for both studios and game developers.

Yes! We encourage service providers to contact us through our contact page and join us to showcase their skills and experience to potential clients.

We're committed to providing a comprehensive and up-to-date directory of services, and we update our platform regularly to ensure that we're offering the latest and best resources for game developers.

We welcome feedback from our users! You can contact us through our contact page or social media channels to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Yes! On our blog we also offer resources such as articles, tutorials, and industry news to help game developers stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry.

About Pink Genie

Our mission is to connect game studios and developers with the services they need to bring their ideas to life. We believe that game development is a collaborative process, and we want to make it easier for developers to find and connect with the best service providers in the industry.

Our team is made up of experienced game developers who understand the challenges and complexities of the development process. We've created this platform to make it easy for developers and studios to find and connect with service providers who can help them bring their visions to life, whether they're looking for sound designers, programmers, or marketing experts.

We're committed to providing a comprehensive and up-to-date directory of service providers, and we take pride in the quality of the resources we feature on our platform. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to search for and filter through our extensive database of different services specialities.

We value feedback from our users and are constantly working to improve our platform. Whether you're an established game studio looking for new collaborators, or a newcomer to the industry looking for support and guidance, we hope you find our platform to be a valuable resource.

Thank you for visiting Pink Genie !

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